上圖為 Day3 波克夏馬拉松台灣代表隊!
Day2行程 : 股東會排隊 > Cheesecake Factory >Nebraska Furniture Mark (波克夏子公司) > Gorat S 巴菲特最愛的牛排店
清晨四點:股東會場前已經是人山人海,離股東會進場時間還有3小時 , 當時估計到場的人數已經突破萬人 , 因為場地有限而每年到場的股東們一定塞爆現場 , 如果要親自參與股東會 親自看見股神巴菲特本人 , 必須提早到場 , 否則會無法進入會場!
這應該就是離股神巴菲特最近的一次了!能見到本人真好 !
這次會快速決定,就是因為巴菲特不年輕了,能見到本人的機會還有多少次 ?
許多人問到一個問題:去到股東會但英文不太行該怎麼辦 ?
這場股東會進行了一整天! 到當天下午4.00 接著還有股東投票 , 結束後一群人湧上要跟股神握手與拍照 ........
第一站還是去同行夥伴推薦的 Cheesecake Factory (在波先珠寶附近)
六個人點了三份麵 跟 三份Cheesecake
接著用餐結束後 , 我們去朝聖 Nebraska Furniture Mark
Nebraska Furniture Mart was founded in 1937 by Rose Blumkin (born December 3, 1893-1998), universally known as "Mrs. B.", in Omaha, Nebraska. Blumkin, borrowed the initial $500 investment from her brother,[1] while her husband Isadore continued to run their second hand clothing store.[2] At one point early on, the Blumkins had to sell their own home furnishings to pay off a debt. Mrs. B set the Mart apart by selling products cheaper than the other furniture store around. The bigger competitors were able to successfully get the furniture suppliers to stop selling to the Mart because of the prices. Rather than give up and raise prices, Mrs. B went to other suppliers around the country while still underselling her competitors.[2]
In 1983, at age 89, Mrs. B sold 80%[3] of Nebraska Furniture Mart to Warren Buffett in a one-page handshake deal.[2][1] Buffett bought the company without auditing her inventory or books, instead basing the deal on his own shopping experience at the Mart and his respect for the Blumkin family.[4] Mrs. B sold the business due to her belief that if she sold before her death, her children wouldn't fight over the company. She continued to work at the store, putting in her normal 70 hour work week, using an electric scooter to get around.[2] Soon after the sale, Buffett would say, “Put her up against the top graduates of the top business schools or chief executives of the Fortune 500 and, assuming an even start with the same resources, she’d run rings around them.”[4]
In 1989, at age 95, Mrs. B's family forced her into retirement.[2] Unhappy with this and realizing that Buffett had not made her sign a non-compete agreement, Mrs. B started "Mrs. B’s Clearance and Factory Outlet" across the street from Nebraska Furniture Mart three months later.[1] Two years later, "Mrs. B’s Clearance and Factory Outlet" was profitable and the third largest carpet outlet in Omaha.[1] The following year, Buffett purchased the new store and merged it with the Mart.[1] In 1994, the Mart added an electronics and appliance store.[4]
In 1998, at age 104, Mrs. B died, leaving behind the nation's largest home furnishings store.[1] In 2001, Nebraska Furniture Mart bought Homemakers Furniture in Iowa and opened the Mart's second location in Clive, Iowa.[5]
In 2003, the Mart opened its third store in Kansas City, Kansas' Village West complex. The opening of the Kansas City store was initially plagued with problems for nearly two years. The store was overwhelmed by the number of customers, which also caused deliveries to lag by more than 30 days. The problems multiplied, because the initial rush of customers never let up. Because of the initial difficulty in getting the large store up and running, NFM president Ron Blumkin initially told Warren Buffett that he never had plans to open another store.[6]
By 2011, this attitude had changed, and Nebraska Furniture Mart announced their fourth and largest location, in The Colony, Texas, which is a far north suburb of Dallas. The problems with the Kansas City location opening would lead to much more long-term planning in the eventual development and opening of the Texas location.[6][7] The store, called the "Nebraska Furniture Mart of Texas", opened in 2015.[6]
光走完一圈 , 沒有兩個小時以上是不可能的
朝聖結束之後 , 夥伴發現Nebraska Furniture Mark 裡面也有 Sees candy 於是立刻去買了兩包股東會紀念款! 而且不用排隊
接著逛完消耗一些卡路里之後 , 我們往股神最愛的牛排店前進 Gorat S !
Day 2 就這樣結束了 , 離開後在附近還看到波克夏最大的持股 :富國銀行的分行 , 下此有機會能去富國銀走走!
我們這一行人,除了兩位波克夏股東會馬拉松的台灣代表隊之外 , 隔天我們搭早班飛機回國,並沒有參與到馬拉松與第三天一早的波先早餐會
紅字必去 藍字為相關活動值得一去 其餘可以自行安排
Day 1 奧瑪哈舊城區 與 附近景點 (坐公車是方便的)
Day 2 波克夏園遊會 + 巴菲特辦公室與巴菲特的家 + 波先雞尾酒會
Day 3 波克夏股東會 + Nebraska Furniture Mark 烤肉會
Day 4 波克夏馬拉松+ 波先早餐會 +下午奧瑪哈動物園 + 牛排
Day 5 股神相關景點
包含時差日 與 交通日 建議安排八天以上的假期